Seven Signs Of Termites To Watch For Around Your Dallas Property

termites up close

Dallas is home to many termites species. These insects are a serious threat, and they have the potential to cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. Some damage caused by termites may even be impossible to repair. Don't take chances with these destructive insects. Learn the warning signs and protect your property from termites in Dallas.

1. Frass

Perhaps one of the most noticeable signs of termite activity is the appearance of frass on window sills or floors. This material is the hard excrement produced by drywood termites. Since drywood termites produce this material, you're likely to deal with them before they can do serious damage to your home. This is why drywood termites don't hold a candle to the destructive capability of subterranean termites. If subterranean termites get into your Dallas home, they can damage it for years without you knowing it.

2. Kickout Holes

Drywood termites create tiny holes in hardwood. These holes are where they kick out the frass inside their tunnels. You may find these holes in hard wooden construction materials, or in furniture made of hardwood.

3. Shelter Tubes

Sneaky subterranean termites do not create frass or kickout holes, but they do provide this, sometimes obvious, warning sign. If you see thin mud lines on the exterior of your home, it is important that you recognize those tubes as a warning sign. It might be the only warning sign you get. Often, these tubes are created in dark, moist locations that aren't obvious.

4. Swarmers

Drywood and subterranean termites produce winged termites. When you find hundreds, or hundreds of thousands, of winged insects inside your home, you'll know for sure that you have a termite infestation. While a swarmer is only ⅜ of an inch long, it has noticeable white wings that are rounded at the tips. A large number of insects with white wings are hard to miss, even if they are small. But keep in mind that this is a terrible way to detect a termite infestation. It takes more than three years for a nest to start producing winged termites, and these reproductive insects are usually released outside of the home. If they appear inside, it is evidence of a serious infestation because it means the nest is inside or extremely close to the home.

5. Workers

It is rare to see worker termites. But if you uncover these insects, it is important that you recognize them. They are often described to us by homeowners as "white ants." If you turn a rock over and see white ants, you should know that those are termites, not ants. If you chop into a stump, turn a board over, move an object that has killed the grass underneath, fix a fence, move a pile of cardboard boxes in your garage, or some other activity that uncovers white ants, learn to properly identify those ants as worker termites.

6. Sounds

There are circumstances that can cause termites to make clicking or rustling noises inside the wood of your home. It is rare, but it does happen. This is the sound of soldiers banging their heads on tunnels walls to warn other termites that there is a threat. Another way sounds can help you detect termites is the hollow sound you might hear when tapping on a timber that should be solid. If you have a thick beam that sounds like it is hollow inside, there are likely to be many termite tunnels within.

7. Damage

If you begin to see deterioration of wood, bulging walls, baseboards with indentations, or some other form of wood damage, it is definitely time to have your home inspected for termite activity.

Termite Control In Dallas

Protect your home from Dallas area pests and termites with expert inspections, treatments, and installation of trusted termite-control products. Contact Addison Pest Control today. Don't let termites in Dallas make a meal of your property.