Pest Spotlight: Fighting Fire Ants In Dallas

ant on rope

Ants are common pests that form massive social colonies with other members divided into categories or castes. Some of the most common types of ants that will plague local property owners in this region of Texas include odorous house ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, acrobat ants, and fire ants. 
Are you struggling with red fire ants on your property? Consider contacting a local pest management company equipped to handle these potentially dangerous creatures. A Dallas pest control professional receives training regarding the best methods of eliminating these potentially dangerous ant colonies from the premises. 

How To Identify A Fire Ant Infestation

Fire ants in Dallas typically appear in shades of red and brown and form extremely large colonies in the ground with large mounds of dirt. 
Where are fire ants found in exterior areas? Fire ants rarely will nest indoors. In residential settings, fire ants generally create nests in open areas with ample sunlight, such as lawns, pastures, or gardens. During periods of excessive heat or drought, fire ants usually burrow deeply into the soil seeking cooler conditions. 
How big are fire ants? Fire ants are a smaller type, with a body ranging from 1/8 to 1/4 inches long. 

Why You Don't Want Fire Ants In Your Yard

Are fire ants dangerous pests? Fire ants have excellent sensory capabilities allowing them to detect vibrations and communicate with others using pheromone chemicals that they generate. Those who approach a fire ant nest should expect these creatures will emerge in droves to defend their nest by delivering painful stings. While the majority of people endure minor redness or skin irritation, others may experience more dangerous allergic reactions. 

Factors That Attract Fire Ants To Your Property

Those seeking to prevent fire ants from establishing colonies on their property should recognize the conditions that these creatures prefer and any likely attractants. What attracts fire ants to specific properties in the Dallas region? Consider the following: 

  • During heavy rain or flooding, fire ants must evacuate their below-ground tunnels, and they will construct taller nests at the ground level. 
  • Fire ants are often drawn to bowls of uneaten cat or dog food placed on porches, patios, or decks. 
  • Oily or greasy foods commonly attract fire ant workers; thoroughly clean up outdoor areas after picnics or barbeques.

Many property owners that encounter a fire ant nest in their yard will try crude and often dangerous methods of expelling these creatures. Pouring hot or boiling water into nests usually solves the problem slightly more than 50% of the time. Keep in mind that scalding water might also destroy your grass or plants. Never try risky methods such as creating fire using flammable liquids. 

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Fire Ants

Are you looking for answers regarding how to get rid of fire ants in yard areas? Look no further than our experts with Addison Pest Control for treating fire ants.  
Our company now offers several year-round residential Advantage property protection plans for Dallas residents that will keep the premises free of many undesirable creatures. Our Advantage Plus+ plan provides effective treatment for more than a dozen different common pests in addition to a specialized rodent monitoring service on a quarterly basis.
The next level or tier of home protection is available through our Advantage Total program, which expands on the more entry-level Advantage Plus+ package. This program encompasses the problematic subterranean termites, pests that erode wooden structures and create costly property damage. 
Our most complete program is the Advantage Gold plan which includes those provided in the two other programs and adds two distinctive treatment options. From April through September, our service professionals will keep the property free of fire ants and significantly reduce the population of harmful mosquitoes. 
Those currently experiencing pest-related concerns should contact our office for further details.