Guide To Pest Proofing Your Frisco Home


In life, humans are always in a war against something: the clogged toilet, the new and confusing TV set (and all the wires that come with it), the skunk that insists on living under your porch... In these battles, victory is often won, but for many Frisco homeowners, one war seems unwinnable, the war against pests. We are here to tell you there is a way to win the war against pests. Let us show you how.

What Is Pest Proofing?

Pest proofing is the act of blocking a pest’s way into a home. This is not as easy as one might think, especially seeing that most pests are insects and are able to fit through even the smallest openings. This does not mean, however, that there aren’t some easy pest-prevention steps that you can take as a homeowner.

Pest Prevention That Every Homeowner Can Do

When pests get into homes, they look for three things, food, water, and shelter. If your Frisco home does not have these three things, it is likely they will either die or leave, looking for a new home to invade. To reduce these three things, here are some things you can do:

  • Store leftover food inside of airtight plastic containers.

  • Make sure all of your trashcans are tightly sealed.

  • Pick up pet food and water bowls immediately after they are done with them.

  • Clean regularly, making sure not to miss under appliances and furniture.

  • Fix leaky piping around your home.

  • Install dehumidifiers in particularly humid areas of your home.

  • Keep your storage areas as clutter-free as possible.

How Addison Pest Proofs Homes

To take your pest protection to the next level, the professionals here at Addison Pest Control are here to help. For years we have been researching and implementing pest-proofing techniques for Frisco homes with great success. We know where pests will try to gain access to your home and how to seal off those entryways to prevent them from doing so. From your chimney to your foundation, your home will be sealed against pests by the time we are done.

Why Choose Addison?

Here at Addison Pest Control, we do much more than just pest proof homes. We are experts in a variety of common and uncommon pest problems. From effective rodent control to bed bug extermination, and services for every pest in between, we have options available. Whether you need to get pests out of your home or keep them out, we have the home pest control solution for you here at Addison. If you have questions about our service plans or wish to schedule a visit for your Frisco home, give us a call today!